Dear Colleagues,
Apologies for cross-posting. Please find appended a vacancy for an Assistant Professorship in ‘Europe and Cultural Heritage’ at the University of Amsterdam. Deadline: 1st September 2011.
Best wishes, Anne van Wageningen
'Europe and Cultural Heritage'
Cultural heritage is now universally recognized as immensely important to society, and that is reflected in the teaching and research programmes of universities, not least the UvA. The national level of 'heritage' determines parts of our curricula and research agendas; large subsidy programmes are available to assist the pursuit of knowledge at all levels (civic, local and regional) of 'heritage', as a way of directly involving citizens, and thereby enhancing the legitimacy of the political regime, whether local or national. The 'heritage' concerned is most obviously material, involving artifacts, buildings and especially museums and memorials; it also extends more widely to 'culture' in a broader sense, involving ideas and ideologies, cultural practice, and identities.
Occasionally there is reference to transnational discourse on cultural heritage. At global level there is UNESCO, and the World Heritage Convention which it administers, with its prestigious list of World Heritage Sites. Less publicized but also important are the activities at European level, whether through informal civil society, the Council of Europe, or the European Union. Particularly the latter has had for decades now an active cultural policy aimed at enhancing Europeans' experience of their communal heritage; often it has been seen as a way of encouraging support and legitimacy for the political integration of the member states. The EU now has a powerful battery of programmes on cultural heritage at the European level (, which seem to expand every year, just as they do at national level.
This is not only a matter of a sector of EU and Council of Europe policy. The entire range of 'heritage', especially outside the material aspects of culture in the realm of ideas, ideologies and practice, needs to be examined and conceptualized at European level, not least to shed light on the process and theory-formation at other levels. European lieux de mémoire, for example, have only just begun to be investigated or even inventoried; the media aspects of cultural heritage policy and consumption at the European (EU) level are an important part of internet politics and digital and governance.
The Institute for Culture and History (ICG) provides strong support for the Faculty's Research Priority Area (Zwaartepunt) on Cultural Heritage and Identities, which encompasses precisely these matters, and has a specific strand on the contribution of European identities to cultural heritage. Funding organizations like the EU Framework programme, HERA, and now the KNAW are all developing their programmes on cultures and identities, with a specific focus on material and immaterial heritage; there is always a European frame of reference, even if it is often understated.
This position at UD (Asst. Prof., University Lecturer) is designed principally to interact with the ICG Zwaartepunt. We are seeking to appoint a strong researcher in early career, with an academic background in History, European Studies, Cultural Studies, Art History or Museum Studies; transdisciplinarity is important, and will allow the UD to teach across several programmes.
The specialist courses which the appointee will be able to provide will be of direct relevance to the departments GARS and KRC, and in particular the degree programmes in European Studies, and Heritage Studies. Heritage Studies (KRC) has a wide range of modules on urban and national heritage, so the transnational element (European) would be welcome. For teaching purposes, this appointment will be based in European Studies (chairgroup Modern European History) and specialized in EU cultural policy of all kinds, with an emphasis on heritage. Courses would be attractive available options across the Faculty, for example to students of History, Cultural Studies and Media.
University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Humanities
Department of History, Archaeology and Area Studies
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