Como disse já, a revolução tunisina começou com o desespero do jovem que se imolou e não mais teve uma pausa até a população conseguir o seu objectivo final e último: a verdadeira democracia e a deposição do Presidente e dos seus governantes.
Não chegaram promessas de não recandidatura, não chegaram mudanças cosméticas de ministros. Em quase um mês, as manifestações não descansaram até que o povo conseguiu que o Presidente tunisino abandonasse o país. E aí, depois do desespero e do sofrimento, veio a catarse, a libertação.
No poder desde 1987, Bem Ali foi, para muitos, o único líder conhecido do país, após o seu golpe de estado e da consequente governação absoluta e completamente “ademocrática”.
Note-se que a imolação inicial, os suicídios que entretanto ocorreram, as mortes às dezenas e as manifestações aos milhares conseguiram depor o primeiro líder árabe desde Saddam Hussein, numa revolução que começou por ser palaciana, mas que foi popular. Popularíssima.
Hoje, deixo aqui o testemunho de um desses jovens que vale a pena ler (e que nos acrescenta ainda o papel do WikiLeaks no reconforto da própria população que se sentiu apoiada, ainda que muito discretamente):
“I am part of the new generation that has lived in Tunisia under the absolute rule of President Ben Ali.
In high school and college, we are always afraid to talk politics: "There are reporters everywhere," we are told. Nobody dares discussing politics in public; everyone is suspicious. Your neighbour, your friend, your grocer might be Ben Ali's informer: do you or your father want to be forcibly taken to an undefined place one night at 4am?
We grow up with this fear of activism; we continue studying, going out and partying, regardless of politics.
During high school, we begin to find out the intricacies of the "royal" family and hear stories here and there – about a relative of Leila [Trabelsi, the president's wife] who took control of an industry, who has appropriated the land of another person, who dealt with the Italian mafia. We talk and discuss it among ourselves – everybody is aware of what's going on, but there is no action. We quickly learn that Tunisian television is the worst television that exists. Everything is relayed to the glory of President Ben Ali, who's always shown at his best. We all know he dyes his hair black. Nobody likes his wife, who has a wooden smile: she never seemed sincere.
We do not live, but we think we do. We want to believe that all is well since we are part of the middle class, but we know that if the cafes are packed during the day, it is because the unemployed are there discussing football. The first nightclubs open their doors and we begin to go out, to drink and enjoy the nightlife around Sousse and Hammamet. Other stories are circulating – about a Trabelsi who gave someone a horrible kicking because he felt like it, or another who caused a car accident only to return home to sleep. We exchange stories, quietly, quickly. In our own way, it is a form of vengeance: by gossiping, we have the feeling we're plotting.
The police are afraid: if you tell them you're close to Ben Ali all doors open, hotels offer their best rooms, parking becomes free, traffic laws disappear.

We all know that Leila has tried to sell a Tunisian island, that she wants to close the American school in Tunis to promote her own school – as I said, stories are circulating. Over the internet and under the desks, we exchange "La régente de Carthage" [a controversial book about the role of Leila Trabelsi and her family in Tunisia]. We love our country and we want things to change, but there is no organised movement: the tribe is willing, but the leader is missing.
The corruption, the bribes – we simply want to leave. We begin to apply to study in France, or Canada. It is cowardice, and we know it. Leaving the country to "the rest of them". We go to France and forget, then come back for the holidays. Tunisia? It is the beaches of Sousse and Hammamet, the nightclubs and restaurants. A giant ClubMed.
And then, WikiLeaks reveals what everyone was whispering. And then, a young man immolates himself. And then, 20 Tunisians are killed in one day.
And for the first time, we see the opportunity to rebel, to take revenge on the "royal" family who has taken everything, to overturn the established order that has accompanied our youth. An educated youth, which is tired and ready to sacrifice all the symbols of the former autocratic Tunisia with a new revolution: the Jasmine Revolution – the true one.”
(O artigo foi retirado daqui.)
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